Wednesday, April 1, 2009

This term my main goal would be to learn just how much electricity I conserve as a household. I have especially recently noticed how my electrical bill has increased. I am very curious to see how to save dollars and conserve.

My husband and I have tried over and over to come to an understanding on how to save on the electrical bill it just always seems we are unsuccesful. Learning how to conserve waste full products will really be something I want to learn about. If it is not every day one wonders just how and why we do the things we do. It was not until 2 terms ago I took a class on Environment Sustainability. When I first registered for this class it was really something I never payed any attention too. Since this class I recycle all products and I am very cautious on how preserve to keep my environment sustainable.

My interest in this class would be to research just how important it is to turn to organic products. I also want to see just where my money goes after paying such high electric bills.

Organic foods are the products from farmers and gardeners who have grown organic food, to protect our environment, recycle natural sources, increase local food production, support rural communities, and illiminate for consumers the connection between healthful food and environmentally sound growing practices. This is actually a topic I would like to learn more. You know I find myself buying my daughter more and more organic baby food, but I just don't know the whole why or why not?

The meat, dairy products and eggs that organic farmers produce are from animals that are fed organic feed and allowed access to the outdoors. Unlike conventionally raised livestock, organic livestock must be kept in living conditions that accommodate the natural behavior of the animals. For instance, ruminants (including cows, sheep and goats) must have access to pasture. Although they may be vaccinated against disease, organic livestock and poultry may not be given antibiotics, hormones or medications in the absence of illness. Instead, livestock diseases and parasites are controlled largely through preventive measures such as rotational grazing, balanced diet, sanitary housing and stress reduction. I really find all of this interesting and really was something I have wanted to know more about just never found the time to research it now is the time.